5 Best Home Heating Tips for Fall

5 Best Home Heating Tips for Fall

Now that it finally feels like Fall, cooler temperatures may be tempting you to turn on the heat if you haven’t done so already. Here are a few useful home heating tips for fall to help keep your energy bills reasonable by preventing waste.

Seal Up Drafts

If you walk past a window and feel a sudden burst of cold air, it’s likely a place you’re losing energy. But it’s important to recognize that this is a perfect opportunity to conserve. Doors and windows are common culprits of energy loss and a great place to start your conservation efforts.

Stop your heating system from working harder by purchasing some inexpensive caulking or weatherstripping. These are easy, affordable ways to help keep the cold air out and the warm air in. By properly sealing your doors and windows, you can quickly save up to 15% on your home’s energy bill!

Air Filter Clean Up

A dirty air filter can also make your heating system work double-time, increasing your energy costs and putting unnecessary wear and tear on your unit. By changing your air filter on a monthly basis, you can drastically decrease the amount of wasted energy.

Another major benefit of cleaning your air filter is improving the air quality in your home, especially if you have family members with asthma or allergies. Removing pollen, dust, and other contaminants efficiently is key to helping your loved ones keep their system at bay and maintaining overall health.

Thermostat Adjustments

You don’t need a programmable thermostat to take advantage of this method, although it does help to have one! As long as you remember to lower the temperature at night or any other time your family is away from the house, you can enjoy savings.

Thermostat Locations

It’s also important to take your thermostat’s location into consideration. Remember to keep it away from hot or cold areas, including sunlit walls and drafty windows, as this can have a negative impact on your heating system’s performance.

Time for a Tune-Up

Having a professional give your heating unit a check-up is a great way to make sure you’re starting off the season on the right foot. It can save you money in the long run and also help keep your heating system running efficiently into the future.

If you have any questions on home heating tips for Fall or would like to talk with us about how we can help keep your heating system in good working order, contact us today!