Pre-Buy season gets underway on August 1st! Why should you pre-buy your propane? If there is one benefit, it’s this: you lock in a fixed price for the winter season. This is an incredible benefit, as the fuel market can be extremely volatile. It’s not uncommon to see price increases when entering a new season, especially during the wintertime.

Why Do Prices Change?

Propane is manufactured from the crude oil refining process and natural gas manufacturing. Because of this, the price of propane will usually trend in the same direction as crude oil and natural gas commodities.

Propane price fluctuation, like many commodities, is caused by simple supply and demand. For example, in the winter months when the temperatures drop, demand for propane skyrockets and this can cause prices to rise dramatically. As a rule, the more severe the weather, the more you can expect to pay.

Lock in Your Price with Winter Pre-Buy!

Peace of mind is the greatest reward you’ll receive by enrolling in the pre-buy program. By locking in your price for the winter season, you will immediately know what your fuel cost is and you will likely save money in the long-run.

You don’t need to worry about unusually high demand, fuel shortages, etc. Regardless of ANY external factors, this is your price and this is how much you’ll pay…period.