spring cleaning - home improvement

Spring Cleaning – Home Improvement and Maintenance

Spring is finally upon us, and it’s time to get your home in tip-top shape. Don’t dread your seasonal home improvement and maintenance chores! Here is a helpful checklist to keep your spring cleaning on the right track, brought to you by Keystone Propane.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

You may be excited to turn down your home’s heat as the weather slowly warms up, but you should also consider some air conditioning maintenance before summer’s first heatwave takes you by surprise. Consider contacting a professional heating and cooling specialist to thoroughly clean the outside of your air conditioning system, and be sure to change the inside filters as well. A clean unit will have a much higher efficiency rate and save energy in the long run.

Roof Repair

Inspect your roof carefully as the snow and ice fade to see if there is any significant winter damage to your shingles. If you notice any shingles that may be cracked or broken, consider replacing them before the summer sun does even more damage.

Wood Trim Inspection

Take time to inspect any wood trim that surrounds your doors, windows, decks, and railings. This can be done easily with a screwdriver. Now is the time to repair or replace damaged trim before the spring rains make the problem even worse.

Look for Leaky Gutters

Those spring rains can create some serious havoc if you have leaky or loose gutters damaged by winter weather. Don’t let improper drainage cause basement flooding which can quickly multiply interior damage. Clean out all of the remaining dead leaves and debris from your gutters and make sure the drainage is flowing away from your home’s foundation.

Prepare Lawn Equipment

Do a quick test to make sure your electric and gas-powered lawn equipment is ready to go for your first summer session of maintenance. This will make your yard work easier and give you more time to enjoy some summer fun.

Do you have any suggestions to add to our spring cleaning home improvement and maintenance checklist? If so, please leave your suggestions in the comments below?