Preparing Your Grill for Spring Grilling

If you weren’t one of the few who braved the colder temperatures to grill your meals during the winter months, it may be time to pull the grill out of hibernation and prepare it for the season ahead! Even if you have used the grill a few times throughout the winter, it’s a good practice to clean and do a few safety checks to prepare for the spring and summer grilling seasons. Here are a few tips on how to best prep your grill!


Prep Your Cleaning Supplies

Start this process by gathering all the supplies you may need. A pail of soap and warm water, a sponge, paper towels, and a good grill scrub brush are all cleaning necessities. Be sure to have tools on hand for taking a part grill for easy cleaning. Some other things to have on hand just in case are a spatula, stainless steel cleaner, degreaser, and some fine sandpaper.


Clean and Scrub Your Grill

Start by taking grates off of your grill and cleaning them well with soap and water. We don’t recommend doing this frequently, a good clean start to your grilling season is always important. If it’s been a year or more since the last clean you may need to soak them. A proper clean will keep food from sticking when you fire up the grill.

Another easy cleaning trick can help reduce your elbow grease. By spraying the grates with equal parts of vinegar and water and waiting for about an hour, all grease and gunk will easily scrub away.


Inspect Parts On Your Grill

First, take apart as much of your grill as you can and clean both the inside and outside with soap and warm water using a strong bristled brush. Pay special attention to areas with a lot of grease build-up. It may even be helpful to use a citrus-based degreaser for the toughest greasy spots and don’t forget the grease tray.

Inspect your grill’s burners for any holes. Any burners with holes should be replaced immediately. Also, examine any tubes for spiders that may have found a home during cooler weather! It’s important to not forget to check around the air vents on your grill as well. Remove any debris to ensure free airflow and limit any fire hazards.


Check And Test Grill Ignition

Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned your grill, reinstall the burners. Replace any batteries if you have battery-powered ignition. For battery ignitions, it is always a good practice to replace old batteries with new ones. If you have a Napoleon Grill with the JETFIRE™ Ignition System, it’s also very important to doublecheck all electrode leads and ensure the tips of the electrodes are clean. Thoroughly check and make sure that they do not have grease or rust buildup on them if they do, you can use fine-grit sandpaper to gently buff them.


Fill Your Grill’s Propane Tank

Lastly, make sure your propane tank is full and ready to start grilling. It’s always best to have an extra tank on hand in case one runs out mid-grill! Contact Keystone Propane to learn more about how we can assist in all your home or business propane needs!

Have you completed all these tips and realized it’s just time for a new grill? Keystone Propane can help with that too! Check out our selection of propane gas grills!

Which Space Heater Is Right For Me?

Transform any space in your home into a warm and cozy oasis for all to enjoy! Whether it’s your garage, basement, closed-in porch, or even your living room, a space heater helps enhance the comfortable feeling you’ve been searching for.

Vent-Free Space Heaters

Vent-free propane space heaters do not need venting or ductwork to run and operate. They are the more cost-efficient of the space heaters and allow for greater flexibility with the installation since they do not need access to an external wall or outdoor venting.

While this is a great bonus of the vent-free space heaters, the downside is the combustion fumes are then vented inside your home or space. While this sounds intense, it is safe, but may affect individuals who are sensitive to smell or have certain allergies.

There are two types of vent-free propane gas heaters: infrared and blue flame. Both models are very efficient (usually 99 percent or more) and use about the same amount of gas to produce the same amount of overall heat.

  • Infrared vent-free space heaters use propane gas to heat up ceramic panels which in turn radiate the heat. These panels radiate heat to the room rather than heating the air. This makes the heat very targeted, so if standing in front of the radiated heat waves you’ll get warm very quickly.
  • Blue flame space heaters warm the air in the room by convection. The blue flame heater can take longer to heat an entire room as it’s heating the air rather than reflecting heat directly, but it will produce a more consistent temperature throughout the room. If your space is insulated, a blue flame heater is probably what you should go with!

Direct Vent Space Heaters

Direct vent propane space heaters are ductless systems that provide an economical and modest alternative to installing a traditional furnace or boiler. These heaters use outdoor air to heat an area or room. Any fumes from combustion are then vented to the outside by way of a small tube.

Some pros to direct vent space heaters include:

  • Its easy installation includes a simple one-hole venting system and no ductwork. Most installation services can be done in one day.
  • They are easy to operate. Direct vent heaters have programmable thermostats that allow you to adjust actions based on usage.
  • Precision heating offers the ability to vary heat intensity and fan speed and can make temperature changes as little as 1°F
  • The duct-free operation makes these heaters less expensive to install and conserve than a traditional furnace or boiler.

Both options are great to heat your home or cool area. Currently, Keystone Propane is offering 29% off all Empire vent-free space heaters in stock! Hurry up and take advantage before this offer ends on February 29, 2020!

Contact Keystone Propane for more information on how we can help you choose the perfect space heater and to learn more about the products in stock for our Leap Year Sale! Our team of experts will help you find the perfect propane solutions for your home or business.

Save Money at Home In The New Year

It’s a new year, a new decade, a fresh start. Most of us are starting to put together our resolutions and goals into action for the new year. A popular one among most people is cutting back on expenses in their home. Here are 5 suggestions on how you can cut back the monthly bills this year.

5 Ways to Save Money at Home In The New Year

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Did you know that turning your thermostat back 7-10 degrees while you’re at work or away can save you as much as 10% a year on cooling and heating for your home! If a programmable thermostat is not available or in the budget, start making it part of your morning routine to turn back the thermostat. When you get home you can feel out the temperature and adjust it back to what is most comfortable. With the programmable thermostat, you can set the temp to change about 30 min before you arrive home so you’re welcomed with a comfortable temperature.

Turn off the Lights

It’s easy to leave lights on when moving about your home. Start getting in the habit of turning lights out when leaving each room. Leaving a lamp on all day every day will add up over time. Also, try to get in the routine of checking all lights are off before leaving your home. A quick sweep of the house will end up saving you money in the long run!

Switch to Propane Gas

Heating a home in the U.S. with propane has cost far less than heating with electricity according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Propane water heaters can cost one-third less to use and recover water twice as quickly as electric water heaters over time. Also, on average, propane furnaces normally last 5-10 years longer than electric heating pumps.

A propane gas furnace normally heats air to about 130°F – 140°F and runs in short intervals to minimize utility costs. Electric heating units produce heat below body temperature or 98.6°F. This is why the air coming from the heating vent actually feels cool to the human touch if you place your hand in front of it.

Check Home Insulation

When is the last time you have checked the insulation in your home? You know, all that fun fluffy stuff in your walls? Save up to 15% of your annual utility bills by making sure your home is air sealed tight and insulated! A home that isn’t insulated well is essentially heating the neighborhood and their home, as heating and cooling will find ways to escape in the outdoors. Also, cooling or heating units in your home may be working harder to service your home when the air is escaping.

Unplug Unused Devices

Who else leaves countless electrical devices plugged in at all times, but rarely use them? Personally, we are guilty of this one. Most electronic devices constantly draw a small amount of electricity which can add up over time if you take into consideration how many appliances you leave plugged in at all times! To minimize power usage, be sure to unplug cords or power strips you don’t use regularly!


Contact Keystone Propane today for more information on how we can help you save money in the new year and beyond! Our team of experts will help you find the perfect cost-saving propane solutions for your home or business. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and warm new year!

5 Propane Gifts Ideas for the Holidays 

The holidays have come upon us fast this year! If you’re in a pinch in finding the perfect gift for someone you love or even yourself, we have the perfect list for you! Some of the best gifts require propane gas. Keystone Propane is here to help with your gifting and propane needs. We’ve put together a list of our favorites for you to choose from.

Top 5 Propane Gifts for the Holidays

Propane Gas Patio Heater

For those who love the outdoors, but aren’t too crazy about the colder temperatures, patio heaters make a wonderful gift! Perfect for their patio oasis in the colder months. Sit outside and watch the snowfall while keeping warm under a propane gas patio heater. Setting up a few around the patio will keep friends toasty warm this winter.

Propane Gas Fire Pit

Fire pits are growing with popularity year after year. Propane gas fire pits are the perfect way to keep warm in cooler months or just nice to sit around, chat, and toast marshmallows! Ranging in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and accessories, there’s a fire pit perfect for any patio size. A great addition for anyone who loves the outdoors and to entertain.

Propane Gas Grill

What grill master wouldn’t love a brand new gas grill this holiday? Grilling isn’t just for the summer. They’ll be so excited to receive their new propane gas grill that you’ll be having delicious steaks for New Years! Keystone Propane has all the accessories and propane tanks needed to accompany this outstanding gift.

Propane Gas Fireplace

Have you or your loved one been dreaming of adding a fireplace to your home? This is the perfect gift to surprise them with on Christmas morning. Imagine opening gifts next to your brand new propane gas operated fireplace. Easy on and off switch to control flame and temperature and the best part, no mess or cleaning necessary! A gift they will always remember.

Portable Propane Gas Grills

A great gift for the avid camper and adventurer in your life. A portable gas grill is great for camping, tailgating, and more! Keystone Propane has all your propane gas needs covered to pair with this great gift. If you’re looking for a portable smoker rather than a grill, check out The Big Green Egg and its accessories.

Contact us now for more information on how Keystone Propane can help you find the perfect gift to warm someone’s heart (and body) this holiday season and Happy Holidays from your favorite propane suppliers in Northeast PA!

Tips For Frying Your Turkey With Propane Gas

With Thanksgiving just around the corner now you’re likely starting to stress about cooking your family’s turkey. There are various different ways to prepare your bird than with a conventional oven. Looking for an easier (and quicker) way? Try using a turkey fryer with propane gas!

Expecting a lot of guests this year? Be sure to plan ahead and fill your tank(s) with Keystone Propane to avoid any embarrassing mishaps.


Prep For Deep Frying Your Thanksgiving Turkey

  • Determine how many turkeys you will need to cook. If you plan on cooking more than one, have 2-3 tanks on hand just to be safe!
  • Use a long-stemmed thermometer to check the internal temperature of the turkey during the frying process.
  • Stock up on oil. The most common type of oil for frying a turkey is peanut oil, however, you may opt to use canola, rice oil, corn oil or sunflower oil.
  • Keep the burner as far away as possible from your propane tank.
  • Give yourself an ample amount of time to cook your bird. A general guideline is 3 minutes per pound in addition to 5 minutes per bird (ie. 10 lb bird is 30 – 35 mins)


How to Fry Your Turkey using Keystone Propane

  • Begin by placing your thawed turkey in the fryer and top off with room temperature water until the bird is completely covered. (this prevents any oil from overflowing)
  • Remove the turkey and mark it with the water line
  • Dry the fryer and turkey entirely
  • Connect your Keystone Propane Tank
  • Fill up to the waterline with your choice of frying oil
  • Heat the oil to between 325 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit to properly cook your bird
  • To prevent burning yourself, slowly lower the bird into the fryer and cook 3 minutes plus 5 minutes per bird. Keep your thermometer on hand to check the internal temperature of the turkey.

Contact Keystone Propane for more information about how we can provide you with propane for your turkey fryer!

How to Clean Up your Fryer

Once your dinner is done, now it’s time to clean up the mess! You’ll want to wait until the oil has completely cooked down – which takes about 2 hours. Then you will be able to drain and pour the oil back into its original container. You may reuse this oil if it’s kept in a cool, dark place for up to three months.

How Propane Buses are Powering Schools

The school bus is one of the most iconic references to education in the United States. Especially in Northeastern Pennsylvania, districts have bus rides starting at 5:30 AM to get kids to school for 8 AM classes. Depending on the size of the district and how many kids use the bus, there could be hundreds of busses per district. With the average bus holding 60 to 100 gallons of fuel, at today’s gas prices one fill-up of petroleum gas could cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Fortunately, propane buses are being used more and more by school districts trying to stretch their dollars.

Propane Buses Powering Education

School districts of all sizes are taking the leap to switch to propane-powered buses. So far, over 15,000 propane school buses are in operation nationwide in over 800 school districts. Here in the Keystone State, 71 districts already have 1,160 propane-powered buses in operation. Currently, 48 states now have propane-powered school buses in operation. Here are the Top Ten Propane Powered Buses using states:

  1. Texas (3,000)
  2. California (1,905)
  3. Pennsylvania (1,160)
  4. Oregon (1,010)
  5. Wisconsin (895)
  6. Minnesota (718)
  7. Florida (683)
  8. New York (681)
  9. Illinois (649)
  10. Ohio (634)

Why are School Districts Shifting Towards Propane Powered Buses Over Petroleum Buses?

Less Environmental Impact

Propane autogas buses can reduce up to 96 percent nitrous oxide emissions as compared to a traditional diesel bus. Propane is also one of the most clean-burning fuels available. It also releases very little carbon or other harmful pollutants into the air.

More Affordable

Although oil prices fluctuate, propane is consistently less than diesel fuel and gasoline by as much as 50%! However, districts see the biggest savings on their maintenance costs. Propane doesn’t require expensive engine fluids or filters, like diesel buses. Diesel buses also require more oil and need regular diesel particulate filter (DPF) cleanings.

Safety for Students

Propane provides a clean emissions profile compared with diesel and gasoline alternatives, and its exhaust does not emit any of the known carcinogens that can be harmful to children. It also runs more quietly than a diesel bus – allowing drivers to be more alert to what is going on inside the vehicle.

Findings reveal that propane has the lowest cost of ownership and that savings could mean more teachers and more extracurricular activities for students. Switching to propane also means that very limited changes to infrastructure will need to be made. There is no need to modify garages or repair facilities. More school districts across the country are lining up to make the switch because it’s sake, quiet and healthier for students that ride the bus. In conclusion, propane is abundant in the United States. It is a form of fossil fuel and created during the process of refining natural gas, meaning it’s far less environmentally disruptive to acquire compared to gasoline and diesel, This will keep propane (and natural gas) prices low for decades to come, at the least.

This is just one of the many ways propane can power your life. Whether you’re using propane for commercial applications such as poultry heating, or residential applications such as indoor heating, Keystone Propane is here for you. Contact us now for more information about how Keystone Propane can power your life.

6 Tailgating Safety Tips

With football starting up, baseball playoffs on the way, and with hockey and basketball gearing to start up, that means one thing. It’s time to tailgate! We all know about the essentials you need for a great tailgate. Yet, with more and more venues banning charcoal grills, portable propane grills are becoming more necessary now than ever. With great power comes great responsibility. Here are 6 Tailgating Safety Tips you need for a fun and safe tailgate.

6 Tailgating Safety Tips

Before Heading Out

While heading out to see your team is exciting, don’t let your anticipation get in the way of preparing for the tailgate. This means if you’re grilling, make sure your propane tank is full beforehand. Also, make sure it’s safely secured. If your grill is wobbly – it’s not safe for travel. Don’t forget to pack plenty of food, drinks, and seating for everyone. One essential most people don’t consider is a first aid kit, especially if drinking!

On Your Way

You’ll want to take extra precautions when transporting propane. Start by disconnecting the tank then place it in an upright and secure position to prevent any damage or leaks. Avoid placing it in the trunk. We recommend you put it on the floor of the back seat and crack open a window in case there is a leak.

Setting Up the Grill

When it comes to unpacking your propane grill, you’ll want to take extra care as you did when packing your tank. Portable grills such as the Big Green Egg grills are very easy to set up. Make sure you set up your grill station as far away as possible from cars and other potentially flammable areas.

Also, be sure to open the grill before lighting it. During a leak, propane builds up under the grill’s hood and could cause a combustible situation if not released. Much like filling up at the gas tank, be sure not to smoke near the grill to avoid any unintended combustion.

Before Going Into the Stadium

One of the most important tailgating safety tips is to keep the environment clean! Clean up any garbage such as plates, cups, napkins and other garbage that could catch fire. Something that can also help is to allow for the grill to cool down before heading into the stadium, and before leaving the tailgate. You can do this quicker by leaving the grill’s hood in the upright position.

Tailgating Safety Tips During an Emergency

Now, in case of an emergency, you can feel free to dial 911 or consult your stadium’s security services. Their mission is to bring you a fun, festive, and safe game day experience. It’s their job to make sure that you have a great time.

It’s Keystone Propane’s job to provide quality propane, LP Gas, and accessories to both commercial and residential areas. Contact us now for more information on how Keystone Propane can help you see what you’re looking for.

4 Ways Propane Powers Outdoor Living

Parties in the kitchen are a thing of the past. Recent trends show that they are now moving out to your patio incorporating outdoor living features powered by propane. The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), says that fire pits and fireplaces were the most desired outdoor living structure. They estimate that 83% of consumers noted they have three or more outdoor accessories to compliment their grilling pastime. Grilling is integral to the American lifestyle. Fortunately, professional designers and builders can evaluate your outdoor space and create the perfect living area for your friends and family to spend their time in.

How Propane Helps Liven Your Outdoor Living Space

Developing Seamless Transitions

Ideally, people are looking for design consistency in their homes. Simply put – you would not want a contemporary indoor living space with tropical-style outdoor living. The outdoor space should reflect the style and decor of the inside of your home. Fireplaces and fire pits come in a wide variety of styles and designs to homeowners that can easily match the decor of the inside of their home.

Considering the Entire Space

Outdoor living areas come in all sorts of sizes, layouts, and shapes. Consider the entire area you have to work with. The best way to do this is by working with a designer. A deck or patio can be divided into separate areas to fit your lifestyle needs. This can easily be achieved by having one area with a propane-powered outdoor kitchen and dining space divided by a lounge area with a propane fireplace or fire pit. With an outdoor fire pit, you can even keep your guests warm and cozy on the chilliest of fall nights.

Selecting Personal Touches

Although kitchens, fireplaces, and pools are among the most popular applications for propane in the backyard – your options don’t end there! Some homeowners prefer more unique applications like fire columns and waterfalls. They complement the space as a beautiful centerpiece to admire.

Make Use of Consultations

Considering building out your own unique outdoor living space? Speak with a local landscape architect and contractor to see what options you have! Propane technicians have expertise in local building codes and products on the market so they can best identify where to place a grill, pool heater, fireplace, or any other propane products you would like to incorporate. Speaking with an expert will ensure that your outdoor living area will work both aesthetically and safely with the design.

Keystone Propane guarantees our propane professionals can guide you to the best products for your perfect outdoor living space. Contact us to learn more about what options you have for creating your living area that your family and friends will enjoy for years to come.

The Ultimate Guide to Gas Grilling

Now that the weather is finally starting to break – we’re sure you’re thinking about breaking out the grill for the first cookout of the season!

If you currently own or use a gas grill, check out these tips for getting your grill ready and keeping it safe to use through the end of summer.

1. Keep Your Grill Clean

By maintaining a clean grill not only will you notice enhanced performance but also reduce the chances of a flare-up and incessant smoke. Both can burn the outside of your food and leave a bad flavor.

The best way to clean your grill is to turn the grill on high for 10 to 15 minutes to let any excess grease burn off. Then, just scrape off any leftover residue from the grill grates. Although a lot of the grease will be burned off during the high-temperature “cleaning,” you will still want to use a grill brush to help remove any leftover food and push any remaining debris into the grill itself. Remember, all this debris and food that is pushed into the grill will remain until a deep cleaning.

And don’t forget the grates and burners! Remove the grates and burner covers to thoroughly clean them at least twice a year.

2. Control Flare-Ups

Flare-ups from a cooking fire should always be controlled, no matter what type of grill you have. For that reason, you should always keep a part of your grill empty — in this case, you would need to move the food during a flare-up. When a flare-up does happen, move the food away and let it burn off with the grill lid up.

However, if the fire does spread, remove all food from the grill and let it burn off the grease as quickly as possible. If the fires should suddenly go out of control, remove all food and turn off burners and gas while leaving the lid open so the fire can die down on its own.

3. Barbecuing the Right Way

Barbecue chicken are often a cookout favorite. Sugar burns quite easily, so foods that are coated with a rub or sauce are more likely to burn during gas grilling. But there are aways to keep your chicken from burning on the outside while staying raw on the inside.

You also want to cook your chicken not directly on the flames but the cooler side of the grill. Keep the flames between low and medium low and cover the grill to keep the heat trapped inside. By keeping your grill temperature below 265 F, you can prevent charring the outside of your food and have a nice, even cook on the inside.

4. Watch Your Grill

Nothing ruins a cookout faster than burnt food. Most often this happens when you walk away for just a moment or become distracted.

When gas grilling, it is important to pay close attention to the grill – especially for burgers, chops, and steaks which are cooked at a higher temperature very quickly. By having your prep done before the food hits the grill, you’re less likely to burn your food.

5. Have Plenty of Fuel

Planning a cookout? Always be sure to have an extra tank of gas on hand in case you run out! But how do you know how much gas is left in the tank?

First, check the gauge of your propane tank before the big party. However, if your tank doesn’t have a gauge, there are ways to check if you’re low on gas. Using a small bucket of warm water, pour the water along the top side of the tank. Feel the tank to see where it’s warm and where it isn’t. The cooler spot is where the propane is sitting whereas the warmer spot is empty. Although this isn’t the most accurate of methods, it still gives you a good idea of how much propane you’re going to be working with.

6. Food Safety

Practice food safety whenever you cook (and prep!). This means never use the same cooking or prepping tools for uncooked meats and veggies. You should also use a clean plate for placing cooked meats. Never reuse dirty plates that have been exposed to raw meats. That’s the best way to poison your guests!

7. Cook at the Correct Temperature

Always use your best discretion when gas grilling. Although your grill does have a high setting – it doesn’t mean it should be used for everything. For example, thin cuts of lamb, pork, and beef should be cooked quickly and at a hot temperature. However, fish, veggies, and chicken should be cooked at a medium temperature. Roasts, like a whole chicken, should always be cooked at a low temperature. It make some time to cook at a lower temperature, but it’s worth it in the end!

8. Searing

Searing is one of the secrets to keeping the great flavor. To sear, start with the grill as hot as it will go. Once you put the meat on, wait a minute to flip and reduce the heat. The high temperature will end up caramelizing the meat’s surface leaving a great taste!

9. Indirect Gas Grilling

Indirect gas grilling lets you get more use out of your grill. You can cook entire chickens, roasts, and even bake bread! Simply just turn off the burners that sit directly under where you have placed the food on and let the surrounding burners do the work.

10. Maintaining Your Grill

Performing regular upkeep and cleanings on your grill will extend the life of your grill and result in better-tasting food. You should regularly check the ports are not clogged and there are no issues with the starter. If your ports are clogged, use a thin wire or pipe cleaner to remove the obstruction. Now you’re ready for some great months of grilling!

If you’re looking to up your grilling game, how about a new propane grill from Keystone Propane? Stop by our showroom today to see what we have in stock for you this season.

6 Winter to Spring Propane Safety Tips

Even though propane is one of the safest sources of energy for your home, it does take some care to use it responsibly. At Keystone Propane, our propane safety standards are a priority to us so we can keep your family safe.

As winter melts away and spring comes into bloom, you will be using propane in more ways including outdoor grilling. Here are six propane safety tips for keeping your home safe for your family this season.

Locate the Turn Off Valve Before Cooking

In the case of an emergency, prepare yourself ahead of time by locating the turn off valve for both your propane supply and each appliance that uses it. If you need help or are unsure, feel free to contact us.

Propane Leaks Smell Like Rotten Eggs

If you’re not sure that a propane leak is happening, leaking propane will have a smell similar to rotten eggs. Let your family know this and develop a propane safety plan of action in case of a leak.

Always Store Propane Containers Outside

NEVER place propane cylinders in an enclosed area such as a basement, shed, or garage in case of a leak. Always store your propane cylinders outdoors in the upright position so that they won’t get knocked over.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors on Every Floor of Your Home

When using propane, you should install carbon monoxide (CO) detectors on every floor of your home, especially in the bedrooms. Sometimes, carbon monoxide leaks may come with little to no smell. We also highly recommend installing propane gas detectors in areas propane is in use. These are easy to find at your local hardware store. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when installing detectors.

Learn How to Shut off Utilities in Case of Emergency

Make sure everyone in your family knows how to turn off electricity, propane, and water supplies in your house in case an emergency strikes. Be sure to develop an emergency plan of action everyone can easily remember.

Plan Ahead, Always Have a Backup Propane Supply

In case of severe weather, having a backup propane supply can really assist you. Propane powers cooking equipment, generators, and much more. Be sure to plan ahead and have at least one week’s worth of propane stocked in case traveling is not an option.

At Keystone Propane, we take pride in our reputation. By providing exceptional service, selling only top-quality products, and maintaining the best prices, we have remained an industry leader. For more information on our products & services, give Keystone Propane a call today!