The Secret to a Warm Romantic Valentine’s Day At Home

There’s a lot to be said for celebrating Valentine’s Day by snuggling up at home with that someone special. If you’re looking for a few ideas on how to make your sweetheart feel extra special this year, check out this list of tips for enjoying a warm romantic Valentine’s Day at home!

Soften the Mood with Candlelight

Nothing says romance like walking into a room bathed in candlelight. Dim the lights and place your candles on tables, counters, and buffets to cover as much ground as possible. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even switch out some of your regular bulbs for colored lights. Remember, no matter how many candles you decide to use, you should never leave them unattended.

Snuggle Up by the Fireplace

An indoor fireplace gives you the ultimate romantic experience, especially when you don’t need to worry about lugging around heavy firewood. Pour a few glasses of wine, grab your favorite blanket and curl up in front of a welcoming, warm fire. Best of all, the ambiance created by an indoor fireplace is perfect for a romantic night at home.

Cook Dinner for Two

Taking the time to plan out a home-cooked meal for your sweetheart is a great way to show how much you care. Think about all of your Valentine’s favorite things to eat and put together a spread for a surprise he or she will never forget. There’s always love in a home-cooked meal and sharing your skills with someone who deserves to be pampered.

Draw a Bubble Bath

Whether you like bubbles or essential oils, a warm bath is a great way to relax after a hard day. Not only is drawing a bath for your Valentine a great way to show them you care, it can actually provide some awesome health benefits. The heated water will get the blood moving to improve circulation and help sore and tight muscles. Using Epsom salt can also help reduce inflammation.

From all of us here at Keystone Propane, we wish you and a very Happy Valentine’s Day!

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home Heating

Believe it or not, 2018 is already over and 2019 is here to stay – which means it’s also time to start making some New Year’s resolutions! Why not start by making a few that will make you more comfortable at home – while being easy on your wallet?

Here are five ways to kick off the New Year in your propane-powered home:

Enroll in Automatic Delivery

Running low or out of propane is not only frustrating, but it can also be dangerous. By signing up for Autofill with Keystone Propane, not only will you never run out of propane but you completely eliminate the hassle of checking your meter again!

Register for Budget Billing

An unexpectedly high heating bill can be stressful around the holidays. What if your bill was predictable all year round? Signing up for Keystone’s Budget Billing Program can save you the shock on a big sticker heating bill by spreading out your payments over the course of the year. We’ll just estimate your billing based on your past usage then you make 12 easy payments. Simple and convenient!

Upgrade Older Equipment

When was the last time you replace your space heater or water heater? Chances are that it may be out of date and actually costing you more money by keeping it running due to extensive repair bills or inefficiency. By upgrading to the right-sized, high-efficiency propane heater, it often pays for itself in the first few years – so no need to feel guilty about discarding your older one.

Change Up Outdoor Space

Is your indoors becoming a bit tight (or boring) for entertaining? With today’s propane-powered outdoor living equipment you can easily create another great experience for guests with an outdoor kitchen and seating area that is warm, spacious, and has an amazing view.

Spruce Up Indoor Experience

Love the thought of a fireplace but not the hassle of upkeep – then consider a propane hearth! Or prefer endless, hot showers – switch to a tankless propane water heater to have the shower of your dreams with an unlimited hot-water supply.

Kick-off 2019 right with products and services from Keystone Propane. Contact us today to learn more about our Budget Billing Program or for a FREE estimate on some of our high-efficiency propane-powered equipment for your home!

Propane Delivery Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather can be absolutely ruthless, and it can make our deliveries a bit more difficult. However, our drivers will deliver your propane regardless of the weather conditions. We work hard to ensure that you get your propane year-round.

That said, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you get your deliveries on schedule.

Plow the Driveways

If the driveway isn’t plowed, we cannot finish the delivery. Keeping your driveway snow-free isn’t merely necessary for our drivers, it can also help keep your family safe. If the tank is located underground, ensure that the pathway to the tank is clear. Doing so will ensure that our drivers won’t slip as they deliver your propane.

Mark Your Propane Tanks

Heavy snow can bury your tank and make it difficult to find. By marking your tank with a colored flag, you make it easy for our drivers to find the tank. Make sure the flag is hoisted above the tank; the flag should ideally be easy to see.

Store Extra Propane

Our drivers work hard during the winter to deliver your propane. However, it’s always wise to store extra propane in case the delivery is delayed. Our drivers know how to work around snowstorms, but there can potentially be delays. It’s never a good time to run out of propane (especially during a snowstorm), so we recommend that you stock up on propane in advance.

Carefully Store Your Propane

Don’t make the mistake of storing your propane in enclosed spaces like a garage, basement, shed, etc. Doing so can mean danger if there is a leak.

Have an Emergency Plan

Rough weather can have a major impact on your home. In the event of an emergency, you want to have a plan. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your plan:

  • Know what propane smells like. Knowing when propane is leaking can help to prevent emergencies.
  • Know how to evacuate. Make sure your household know where and how to exit the home during an emergency.
  • Know how and where to shut off the propane supply. There may be times when you need to quickly and safely shut off the propane supply.


During inclement weather, it’s important you take the proper measures to ensure you have an adequate amount of propane and that you and your family stay safe. Follow the tips listed in this blog post to safely supply your home with propane during the winter season, or contact us today to schedule your propane delivery.

7 DIY Home Insulation Ideas

As the winter season approaches, it’s time to protect your home from the harsh, cold elements. Insulating the home is something many homeowners struggle with, but it doesn’t need to be difficult. Follow these simple DIY ideas to keep your home insulated during the winter season.

1. Inspect the Home

Many homes (especially older ones) have spots where air leaks. Open spaces are prone to allow unwanted air to enter the home. Find some time to walk throughout the home and look for drafty areas. Common drafty areas can include the attic, basement, and crawlspace.

2. Maintain Your HVAC System

The health of your HVAC system is essential for keeping warm air from escaping the home. Check your air filters and clean them regularly. This will help to control the air flow in the home, and it will improve the air quality.

3. Seal Drafty Doorways

Place foam weather-stripping on the bottom and sides of your doors. If the gap underneath the door is especially large, put a double draft stopper to close the gap. You can buy these double draft stoppers from a hardware store near you, or you can create a homemade stopper using fabric, kitty litter, or even a pair of old jeans that you no longer wear.

4. Seal Drafty Windows

Add an extra layer of insulation to your windows with the help of plastic sheeting. This is a cheap DIY option that can stop outside air in its tracks. You only need plastic sheeting, double-sided tape, and a hairdryer. Apply the sheeting to the window sill with the tape, and apply hot air using the hairdryer. This is an easy way to ensure that your windows are insulated.

5. Seal Vents and Ducts

A great deal of air is lost through the vent and duct system due to poorly sealed openings and connections. Your duct system is often overlooked, and it can be hard to spot the leaks. To seal your ductwork, purchase some HVAC tape from a hardware store. HVAC tape is strong and doesn’t dry out (unlike duct tape). Apply the tape to any leaky opening on your ductwork.

6. Install Thick Curtains

If you have drafty windows, a set of thick curtains can really help to keep warm air in and cold air out. While they don’t serve a purpose in the summer months, thick curtains can make a difference in the winter seasons.

7. Swap Out the Screen Door

In the winter, we tend to forget about the screen door, as we have the main door to shield the home from the outside air. But even with the main door, outside air can still sneak inside the home. To stop this from happening, swap out that screen door for a solid pane of glass. This is an incredibly simple way to keep your home insulated during the winter months.

For more helpful tips on home insulation or to order your propane delivery, contact Keystone Propane today!

Prevent Your Heating Bill From Haunting You: Energy Efficiency Tricks and Treats

For many people, there’s nothing spookier than receiving a steep energy bill. To help keep your energy bill in-check this Halloween season, we have compiled a series of useful, actionable energy efficiency tricks you can easily implement.

Energy Efficiency Tricks and Treats

Protect Your Airflow

Those air leaks in your windows and doors allow unwanted, cold air to creep into the home. This air disrupts the internal temperature of the home, causing your energy system to work harder, and for your energy bill to skyrocket. By plugging these air leaks with caulk, you won’t have cold air sneaking into your home. Bonus: you also keep scary, ghostly spirits at bay.

Turn the Lights Off

It’s difficult to keep a spooky vibe if all your indoor lights are on. Save energy by turning off the lights. If there are areas of the home that need to be illuminated, use candles. Candles also vibe perfectly with the Halloween season by creating a spooky atmosphere.

Use LED Lights

If you’re adorning your home with spooky decorations this Halloween, use LED lights. These conserve far less energy than normal lightbulbs. Regular lighting can be like an energy vampire—slowly sucking away your energy, causing your electric bill to rise.

Unplug Unused Electronics

Those electronics and appliances can be another energy vampire. Even if they aren’t being used, they still consume energy. This is called “phantom energy loads,” and it can be stopped by simply unplugging those unused devices and appliances.

Maintain the Chimney

The warmth and comfort of a fireplace can be so welcoming in the fall season, but a chimney that’s always opened will cause warm air to escape during the winter and fall seasons. When it’s not in use, close your chimney flue. Doing so will keep warm air inside, while keeping scary witches out.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are extremely useful for energy conservation. You can program it to raise or lower the temperature when you aren’t home, and you can also program it to adjust during set times.

Protect Your Home with Insulation

Your crawlspace and attic areas are practically outside your house, and they have a high amount of penetrations for water pipes, sewer lines, vent stacks, etc. These are often small penetrations, but they can make a huge difference in how you consume energy. Properly insulating these areas will help to keep warm air where it’s supposed to be—inside the home.

Seeing an expensive energy bill can be a scary sight. Instead, follow the tips in this blog post or contact Keystone Propane today to find out how to keep your energy bill manageable. Happy Halloween!

Energy Efficiency Tips for Back-To-School

School season is back, and it’s a time of the year with high energy consumption. To help you conserve energy during this time of year, we’ve compiled a series of actionable energy efficiency tips you can follow.

Easy Energy Efficiency Tips

1. Install a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats are quite useful. During the warmer months, you should put the temperature as high as you can; during the winter, program the temperature as low as you can comfortably handle. The programmable thermostat can heat and cool your home around your schedule, making it a powerful tool to help you save energy.

2. Optimize your lighting

While the kids are at school, you should be consuming less energy throughout the day. Take advantage of this by ensuring that all unused lights are turned off. It’s also a good idea to replace inefficient lightbulbs. Replace all your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs. These bulbs tend to use less energy, while also lasting longer. Optimizing your lighting surprisingly simple tip that will help you consume less power throughout the course of the year.

3. Unplug your devices

Most kids have an arsenal of gadgets and devices throughout the house, but while they’re away, it’s wise to unplug them to conserve energy. Even though the electronics will be idle, they still consume “vampire energy”, which is energy that leaks out from plugs and chargers while they are connected to a power outlet.

4. Use the fridge wisely

While you’re preparing your kid’s meals for school, you’ll be using your refrigerator while you take out certain items. The more you open and close your fridge, the more energy you consume, so it’s better to take out everything you need to use at once. While this is a small adjustment, it can help you conserve energy in the long run. Also, be sure to inspect your fridge’s seals. If the seals are broken, cold air will leak out, wasting a great deal of energy and money.

5. Use propane

Propane is a great energy source, and if used properly, can be more efficient than other energy sources. Compared to conventional gas and electric systems, propane can be much cheaper, especially when you factor in low installation and maintenance costs. Propane is extremely versatile, as it can heat your home, water, appliances (stove, dryer, etc.), and it can provide back-up power. Propane can also be purchased in bulk with affordable pre-buy contracts.

The school year is a great time to optimize how your household consumes energy. Follow the energy efficiency tips listed in this post to conserve more power and to save money throughout the school season and contact us today for more information!

The Benefits of Propane Pre-Buy Contracts

Why a propane pre-buy contract with Keystone? Because propane prices can fluctuate on a weekly basis and a pre-buy can lock in the savings.

Best Uses for Propane in the Summer

Propane can do far more than simply keep you warm during the winter months. Propane can be used to fuel your summer fun. In today’s post, we’re going to discuss a few ways you can use propane to help with the summer’s festivities.


There’s nothing quite like a summer barbeque. A gathering of friends and family can be great, and the food can be delicious, making for a perfect summer activity. We recommend using a propane grill for a few reasons:

  • Ease of use: Charcoal grills can take a bit of practice to use properly. A propane grill ignites with the turn of the knob, which makes it very easy to use.
  • Temperature control: Charcoal grills tend to be very unpredictable, while propane grills will distribute constant and even heat throughout the grill.
  • Cleanliness: Propane grills are very easy to clean and maintain, while charcoal grills can be extremely messy.

Pool Heating

The summer months are hot, but that doesn’t mean that your pool can’t get a bit chilly at night. Use propane as a power source for your pool heater. This is a terrific way to save money on electricity, and it can ensure that your pool is comfortable throughout the summer months.

Patio Lighting

There’s something charming about lounging on the patio during summer nights and using a propane-powered fire torch can help add to the charm. Outdoor fire torches are safe, aesthetically pleasing, and help to create a certain ambiance. Visitors will be impressed, and if you have festivities at your home, you can continue the party outside.

Fire Pit

Backyard fire pits are more popular than ever, and there’s a good reason why. You no longer need chopped wood to start a fire. You can simply flick a switch and enjoy the ambiance. A fire pit can be the centerpiece for outdoor gatherings, cookouts, and campfires. Want to toast some marshmallows and trade spooky stories over a campfire? Propane makes it incredibly easy to fuel your backyard fire pit.

Backup Power

If the power goes out during the summer months, it’s good to know that you have backup power. Propane can be an excellent source of power for your generator. In some regions, summer storms can be rough, and having a backup generator is an absolute must. Propane has some benefits over the traditional gasoline-powered generators:

  • Propane fuel is often available even when gas pumps aren’t running. This is because it’s stored in individual gas cylinders. You can store multiple cylinders in your home for preparation.
  • Propane has a limitless shelf life. Over an extended period of time, gasoline can start to degrade.

Propane is extremely versatile, and it can help you make the most of the summer season. Contact us today for some more ideas on how you use propane during the summer months!

How to Clean Your Propane Grill

Summer is upon us, and that means it’s time to invite your friends and family to the house and heat up the grill. A poorly maintained grill, however, can put a damper on the festivities. Your grill needs to be fully cleaned and prepared before you start grilling. By not preparing your propane grill, you could not only contaminate any food that you grill but it could affect the use of the grill.

To clean your propane grill the right way, keep these simple tips in mind.

Step 1: Make sure the dials are in the off position

This is for your personal safety. Starting the cleaning process while the dials are on can be a recipe for disaster. You also want to turn off and disconnect the propane tank before you begin cleaning.

Step 2: Remove the cooking grates

The grates are where you place your food, so it’s important that they are fully clean before you start grilling. Soak them in warm water and scrub them with a scouring pad or grill stone.

Step 3: Remove and wash the flame tamers

The flame tamers act as burner protectors. They shield the burners from sauces and grease which can damage the burners. They also help to evenly distribute heat across the cooking surface. They can get quite dirty over time, so it’s important that you fully remove any lingering residue before you start cooking. Apply warm water and soap and scrub them with a brush or scouring pad for maximum cleaning.

Step 4: Clean and unclog the burners

The burners are directly responsible for how heat is delivered to the cooking surface. If it’s clogged, your grill won’t cook properly. Remove the burners from the grill and remove the grime with warm water and soap.

Step 5: Clean the metal plates

The metal plates underneath the burners are typically loaded with gunk and grime. To fully clean them, pull them out, and use a brush to scrap off the grime and debris. A brush with hard bristles will work better than a sponge or scouring pad.

Step 6: Inspect the fuel line

While you’re cleaning, it won’t hurt to check the fuel line for any cracks or leaks. A leaky fuel line can waste your propane, and it could present a significant health hazard. Brush soapy water along the gas line and connections. If you see bubbles forming while the gas is running, you likely need to tighten the connections or replace the fuel line.

Step 7: Clean and maintain on a regular basis

You should always scrub down your propane grill at the start of the season to make sure everything is in proper order. If the weather is warm, and the grill is being used often, you should regularly clean and inspect the grill. This will help to extend the longevity of your grill, and it will make for better grilling sessions.

If you’re in the market for a new propane grill this season, then Keystone Propane is here to help! Visit our showroom to see what we have in stock today!

Top 5 Reasons for Adding an Outdoor Fireplace to Your Yard

The fireplace is a symbol of elegance and comfort, and it is often the centerpiece that can tie a room together. Now, more than ever before, we are seeing fireplaces outside the confines of the home. The yard is becoming a popular place to hold a fireplace, and there are many reasons why. In today’s post, we have 5 great reasons why you should add an outdoor fireplace to your yard.

1. Entertainment

A well-placed outdoor fireplace can extend the party space from inside to outside. Imagine having a gathering of friends by the fireplace where you can converse, laugh, eat, and drink. Your friends and family will flock to your events and parties. The possibilities for entertainment are incredible with an outdoor fireplace. Don’t be surprised if your yard becomes ground zero for holiday-related gatherings.

2. Warmth

During the colder months, it can become monotonous to stay indoors. An outdoor fireplace enables you to relax outside while heat emanates from the fire. With a fireplace, your yard can be properly enjoyed year-round. On chilly days and evenings, there is no better feeling than being close to a cozy, warm fireplace.

3. Cooking

With the proper equipment, a fireplace or fire pit can be used for cooking. Install a cooking grate with the fireplace, and you’ll be able to cook a large variety of items. Or, you could opt with the fireplace staple of roasted marshmallows. The ability to cook makes the outdoor fireplace extremely versatile. The fire grate makes it similar to using a grill, although its temperature won’t be as accurate.

4. Increased Property Value

An outdoor fireplace is a stylish, useful addition to any home, and it can easily increase your property value if you sell your home in the future. Potential buyers will love an attention-grabbing fireplace. If you do plan on selling the home in the future, ensure that you keep the fireplace well maintained.

5. Ambiance

A fireplace has an aura of sophistication. It creates a cozy, inviting ambiance. Expect your friends and family to visit more. Expect to spend more of your evenings outside. Expect more lively gatherings as the fireplace acts as a catalyst for conversations. You will marvel at the sheer beauty of the fireplace as its flames roar through the night. An outdoor fireplace will be an excellent addition to your home, and the overall ambiance is a big reason for that.