Simplify Your Winter Propane Deliveries

We may be in the heart of the fall season, but like it or not, Old Man Winter is sneaking around the bend. As we enjoy the colorful foliage, it’s hard not to think about the freezing cold and snowy months in our immediate future.

We’d like to think that winter’s beauty is the reward for all of the extra work we need to do in order to navigate through our normal daily lives. Everything from snow removal to dangerous road conditions changes the way we plan our days. And once you turn your heat on for the first time since the spring, it’s also time to start thinking about how you can simplify your propane deliveries in the upcoming months.

Keystone Propane wants to help simplify your life, which is why we put together this list of tips to keep your regular propane deliveries on track.

  • Be aware of your levels. Try your best to keep an eye on how full your tanks are and check them regularly. This will reduce the risk of you running low on fuel and lessen the number of emergency deliveries you may require throughout the year.
  • Do your best to keep your driveway clear of snow during inclement weather to make it as easy as possible for the propane truck to safely make your delivery.
  • If there is a particular part of your property where the snow is heavily compacted, be sure to sprinkle salt and/or cinders. This includes driveways, sidewalks, steps, landings, and anywhere else you feel a delivery person may walk.
  • If there has been a particularly heavy downfall of snow at the time you’ve scheduled delivery, it is advised that you clear a path through the accumulation so that your propane tanks are accessible to your delivery person.

By keeping these valuable tips in mind, you will greatly simplify your propane delivery service as well as ensure the safety of you, your family, and the Keystone Propane delivery staff. If you have any questions regarding Winter propane deliveries, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Preparing for Winter

If you thought last winter was tough, just wait until this winter. The foreboding forecast from the latest Farmer’s Almanac predicts that the upcoming winter will be equally as bitter as the last, and possibly worse.

Not exactly the news we’re looking for. And how reliable is the Almanac really? Can one speculate solely based on the rings around the moon, sunspots, the hair on the back of a cow’s neck, and wooly caterpillars?

Whether you choose to put credence in these predictions or not, it’s best to err on the side of caution and do everything you can to ensure your heating system is winter-ready.

Check Out Your Heating System Before Winter

Consider hiring a professional to come into your home to inspect and service your heating system to make sure everything is operating properly before you begin using it. Don’t wait to schedule your appointment … qualified professionals could potentially be booked up this time of year. A standard check-up will give you peace of mind that your heating system is much less likely to falter during this harsh winter.

Standard inspection and maintenance normally include:

  • Changing or cleaning your filter after a thorough inspection
  • Closely inspecting your home’s thermostat
  • Inspecting your heating unit’s electrical controls and components
  • Checking airflow
  • Applying oil to the motor if necessary

A Winter Preparation Checklist

There are also a wide variety of actions you can take to get prepared including:

  • Be sure to remove all flammable materials stored near your furnace or hot water heater. Give it an appropriate room to perform optimally.
  • Improve airflow by cleaning filters yourself. Dirty filters typically reduce your airflow and your furnace’s efficiency.
  • Clean away any build-up sediment around the base of your water heater tank to prevent damage to the interior lining.
  • Be aware when you turn your heating system on for the first time, and monitor for any unusual sounds and smells.
  • If you have difficulty with your heater initially, look first for the most obvious cause and solution.

By following these helpful tips, your home can be winter-ready in no time, regardless of whether the Farmer’s Almanac prediction is right!

5 Affordable Ways to Winterize Your Home

Winter. Whether we like it or not, it’s right around the corner, ready to drop the temp while you crank up the thermostat. Don’t wait ’til the last minute to start thinking about winterizing your home. Fall can often bring low temps as well, and someday soon you’ll be giving in to the chill and turning on your home’s heat.

So, what can you do to help minimize your heating bill without breaking the bank? Here are 5 affordable ways to get a jump start on winterizing your home.

1. Dodging the Draft

Many homeowners struggle with cold drafts, particularly if they happen to own an older home. So, what’s the solution? You can thank your elders for this little gift. Introducing … the draft snake. This trend started during the Great Depression, and the best part is simple and affordable. All you need to do is fill a fabric pouch with sand or just roll up an old towel to make your draft snake, then place it along the foot of your door. It will stop the warm air from rushing out and the cold air from rushing in.

2. Bring on the Bubble Wrap

Try to resist popping that bubble wrap (we know, it’s so much fun) and use it as cheap insulation for your windows. It may look slightly unconventional, but we’ll see who’s laughing when you save a ton on your heating bill.

3. Redirect Your Ceiling Fans

This is one simple trick that eludes many homeowners. If you have ceiling fans, take a close look at what direction they are currently turning. A clockwise rotation will create warm air, while a counter-clockwise rotation will create cool air. When the temp outside begins to drop, make sure you have your fan set correctly and you could be cutting your heating costs by as much as 10%.

4. Set Your Thermostat

Don’t waste heat while you’re sleeping or away at work for the day. Be sure to turn down your thermostat at night to anywhere from 50 to 55 degrees and watch your heating costs drop as much as 10%. If you choose to upgrade, there are programmable thermostats available for purchase, or you can save by just remembering to be diligent.

5. Lower the Water Heater Temp

Most water heaters come with a default setting which most people never adjust. A typical water heater is initially set for 140 degrees, but lowering your setting to 120 degrees will still be a comfortable water temperature while saving you an additional 6-10% on your heating costs.

Keystone Propane is proud to provide our customers with affordable, dependable heating fuel and delivery. Please give us a call today for more information and find out why Keystone Propane is the only choice for your home heating.

Choose Your LP Gas Provider Wisely

Caveat Emptor … as you may have learned in your Economics class in high school, this simple Latin phrase means, “Let the buyer beware.” This philosophy should apply to every purchase you make, whether it’s a personal item or a consumable such as LP-Gas. When you first begin researching an LP-Gas provider, make sure that you do your homework. There are a wide variety of LP-Gas providers in most regions of the U.S. and their care, pricing, and attention to detail are just as varied as their names.

Contact every provider in your area. Listen carefully to the information that they provide about their services and how their processes unfold. Beware of those that only discuss their prices and how easy it is to become a customer. They’re only interested in one thing, and that’s your money. If the companies you talk with don’t mention appliance inspection and system integrity testing, you should shy away from them. Your safety should be first and foremost to any company that you decide to purchase LP-Gas from.

Next, for the LP-Gas providers that you have on your shortlist, you should attempt to contact them after business hours to see exactly how difficult it would be for you to reach someone in case of an emergency. This is a critical part of any LP-Gas business … timely response to out of the ordinary conditions. If it is difficult to get a hold of them, would you want them to respond to an emergency at your home?

One last item I would recommend is to talk to people you know who have LP-Gas. Ask them questions about their service and experience with the company that they are currently doing business with; even ask them how much gas a year they use and approximately what price they are paying. Then compare this information to the prices you were quoted when talking to those companies. A large disparity will tell you, the consumer, where your pricing will be in a couple of years.

We at Keystone Propane do our best every year to keep our customers competitively priced within their market segment. By doing this we establish a long term relationship with our customers and a trust that we will always attempt to look out for their interests. As an LP-Gas provider in NE Pennsylvania, we may never be the cheapest, but we will always be competitive. When it comes to service we go to great lengths to ensure that your system meets all Federal, State, and Local codes. Our technicians take their time and explain the safety procedures you should observe in the event of an emergency.

Whether you buy from Keystone Propane or another company, our hope is that you will buy from someone who has you and your family’s safety as their first priority, always.

Thank you,
Keystone Propane

Grill Safety Tips

They say that spring is finally here, and although the weather may not be fully cooperating, don’t let that stop you from getting outside and enjoying your grill! Nothing says spring like the taste of outdoor cooking, but before you get started, there are some important things to consider to ensure your grilling goes as smoothly as possible.

Grill Safety First

  • Always be aware if you are wearing loose clothing while cooking, and keep flammable materials as far away from heat as possible.
  • Whether you’ve purchased a new grill or are cooking on a grill that you’ve used many times before, it is important that you follow all of the manufacturer’s recommendations for setting up, cleaning, and cooking.
  • Never leave your grill unattended under any circumstances. Accidents can happen quickly, and keeping a close eye on your grill could prevent problems from occurring.
  • Always have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency.
Grill Safety Tips for Gas Grills
  • One important thing to remember is not to overfill your tank. Be sure to leave enough room to allow the liquid to expand.
  • Take a close look at any hoses attached for signs of leaks or cracks that may allow for the escape of fuel.
  • Never even consider cooking indoors on your gas grill under any circumstances. You should also avoid using your gas grill under over-hanging structures such as awnings or canopies.
Grill Safety Tips for Charcoal Grills
  • It’s commonplace to see people adding lighter fluid directly to the hot coals, but this can definitely create a dangerous situation.
  • When storing lighter fluid, take care to keep it away from small children and pets. Keep lighter fluid in a safe, cool place.
  • Always leave your charcoal lid open until you are ready to begin cooking.
  • Take care when disposing of charcoal ashes and always use a non-flammable container.

Whether your cooking juicy burgers, chicken, BBQ, or veggies, just as much attention should be paid to preparation and cooking safety as to your delicious meals. Follow these safety tips and enjoy cooking all your favorite foods this season.

Why Choose a Kamado Grill?

If you are among the many grill enthusiasts who are always looking to improve your grilling techniques, you may be interested in learning more about the Kamado Grill. Kamado grilling is becoming an increasingly popular way to prepare your favorite foods, giving you juicier meats with the wood-fire flavor that makes mouths water.

What Is Kamado Grilling?

Originally used by the Japanese, the first kamados were ovens used for firing and cooking made from ceramics and other earthen materials. Modern grilling experts turned to the original kamado to create today’s version, which is considered by many to be the premium method for outdoor cooking. They are typically fueled by charcoal, however, there are also other versions that rely on gas or electricity. The ceramic construction of the kamado delivers an impressive amount of heat retention, making the kamado grill an extremely efficient means of cooking outdoors. It is also incredibly versatile in the types of foods it is able to prepare. The adventurous cook can do much more than strictly grilling, as the kamado grill is also well suited for not only smoking and roasting but baking bread and pizza with the use of a pizza stone.

The Convenience of Kamado

One of the most attractive features of the kamado grill is that it can cook pretty much any type of meat you would normally cook in a conventional. Some kamado grills even offer a rotisserie option that will allow you to crisp your meat to perfection. Because most kamado grills usually use lump charcoal in lieu of the traditional briquettes, they burn cleaner and leave less ash behind. To keep the small amount of clean up as easy as possible, many kamados include a slide-out tray to dispose of the little ash that is remaining after cooking.

Another great feature of many kamado grills is that they come with the ability to cook on multiple surfaces at the same time via an internal tray. The convenience of the internal cooking tray allows you to cook several foods at once, making it possible for your meat and vegetables to be finished cooking all at the same time. These separate heat zones are tremendous time savers for those of you looking for a quick and delicious meal.

Have you ever cooked on a kamado grill? If so, please feel free to leave us feedback on your experiences, and don’t forget to visit our page for The Big Green Egg for more information!

Spend a Little – Save A Lot

When it comes to saving big on heat expenses, sometimes spending a little money is the key. Here are a few affordable things you can do to help lower your heating bill and increase your home’s efficiency.

How’s Your Ductwork?

You can easily lose upwards of 50% of heated air if your home does not have well-planned ductwork. If you happen to be particularly handy, there are lots of ways you can improve your ductwork system. Be sure to check that all of your ductwork is connected properly and repair any of the places where pipes may be pinched. Always remember to use tape with metal backing in lieu of regular duct tape, as it lasts much longer. If you are inexperienced or uncomfortable with this type of work, hiring a professional may be your best bet. Although it may be more expensive, it can save you a lot in the long run.

Stop Heat from Escaping

Gaps around doors and windows could allow a significant amount of heat to escape your home. Inspect all of your home’s doors and windows for any drafts and open areas. Caulking is an excellent way to seal older windows to help keep the heat in and the cold air out. Also, investing in a few inexpensive door sweeps to block exterior entrances can improve your home’s efficiency as well.

Time to Winterize

Another way to eliminate heat loss is by winterizing older windows. If window replacement isn’t an option, covering your windows with clear plastic can help with insulation. It is also a good idea to review your home to pinpoint any other areas that can be better insulated with traditional methods. Pay particular attention to your attic, which is one of the most common places that allow heat to escape in older homes. Always be sure to look for blackened spots on the edging of the fiberglass … this dust is an indicator of where airflow is escaping. Sealing these areas first can make a tremendous impact.

For more information on how to help save on your heating bill, contact Keystone Propane today.

Free Solutions for Heat Savings

Don’t let this year’s winter weather put a burden on your pocketbook. By following these few simple tips, you will see a noticeable difference in your heating bill without spending any additional money!

Turning Down the Thermostat Does Make a Difference

Did you know that you can save approximately 3% of your total heating costs by turning down your thermostat just 1 degree? Those percentages can add up quickly. Think of how many opportunities there are to turn down the heat when you and your family aren’t home. Remember to adjust your thermostat before you leave for work and again at night before you go to bed … you can save a bundle.

Clean Those Heating Vents

Any build-up or blockages in your heating vents could prevent the proper circulation of airflow throughout your home. Without good circulation, the lack of efficiency isn’t only wasting heat … it’s wasting money as well. Be sure to keep your vents clear of debris, carpeting, or anything else that could disrupt airflow and efficiency.

It’s Curtains for You

How and when you adjust your curtains could aid in both warming your home and insulating it at night. Determine which windows in your home are facing south, and open your shades and curtains to let the sunlight in. Closing all your curtains in the evening will help to prevent the warm air from escaping, increasing your overall heating efficiency.

Are You a Fan of Fans?

Fans can quickly disperse the heat in your home, especially if they’re left on longer than needed. It can be extremely easy to forget to turn off a fan after use, so do your best to be aware of fans running longer than absolutely necessary, especially in your kitchen and bathroom.

Close Up That Fireplace

Contrary to popular belief, that cozy fire can actually be stealing the heat from your home when it’s in use. Try to limit the use of your fireplace and always keep the damper closed when not in use.

Contact us today for information on Keystone Propane quality services and how we can help you save on heating costs!

The Benefits of Choosing Propane

There are many things people take into consideration when selecting a heating system for their home. Safety is usually at the very top of that list, closely followed by affordability and practicality. Discussing these concerns with trained professionals can quickly give you the peace of mind you need to make this important decision.

The good news is that both propane furnaces and boilers come in a wide variety of options to accommodate your needs. They typically last for approximately 15-20 years, and are a reliable means of home heating. If your area experiences a power outage, you can still enjoy heat, hot water, and hot food, even during inclement weather. And compared to electric heat pumps, a propane heating system is considered to be an average of 20 degrees warmer. Also, it typically costs less to repair a propane furnace than an electric heat pump.

Propane heat can be the ideal solution if you are considering moving to an area that isn’t served by natural gas. Having this flexibility can be extremely important to anyone interested in building a new home, especially if you are planning to install radiant heat. Best of all, over 80% of propane is produced in the United States, helping to reduce our reliance on foreign oil.

Propane Safety

Thanks to stringent industry regulations, propane is one of the safest choices for home heating.

  • Propane is safe and will not harm soil.
  • An odor is added to propane to help with detection due to the fact that is naturally colorless and normally has no odor.
  • Propane gas is nontoxic.

Tips for Converting to Propane

If you are thinking of converting from your current heating system to propane, you should always have a professional evaluation. A trained expert can help you to accurately determine your home’s heating needs so that you can make an educated decision. For example, having a heating system that is too big can be tremendously wasteful, causing you to lose money and efficiency.

Find out more about the benefits of propane heat and schedule a consultation with a Keystone Propane professional today.