How to Save Energy in PA

Paying energy bills gets expensive, especially in Pennsylvania. Here are some quick and simple tips to help you save money on energy bills.

Take Care Of Your Machinery

Make sure that all of your energy-consuming machinery, especially your A/C unit, is tuned up. Clean the filters regularly and inspect your window’s weather stripping. Five minutes of your time can save tons of money over the summer!

Wash And Dry Your Clothes Efficiently

Always try to get the most out of your power-guzzling machines when you use them. Try to wash and dry full loads of laundry. Running small loads all the time starts to add up in power spend.

Unplug Your Devices

Phantom power is a real thing. Plugged-in idle devices are slowly, but surely, sucking up energy. It may not seem like a lot, but think of the dozens of devices that are plugged in and not being used. It all adds up.

Raise Your Thermostat

Creating cold air in the summer uses a lot of power. Raising your set temperature by just 1 degree can make a big difference!

Upgrade Technology

Due to technological advancement, household machines have improved overall energy usage and efficiency. Consider upgrading if you have an old clunker A/C unit, washer, oven, etc.

Use Low Energy Cooking Methods

Using an oven to cook your meals requires a lot of power. Additionally, it increases the temperature in your house, which makes your A/C and oven battle it out for domination. Really, the only one who wins is your utility company. Instead, go outside and use that grill!

Simply Put

None of these tips are particularly ground-breaking. They are mostly common sense. Still, when you start thinking about conserving energy, you may notice other little things you can do to save. Take a walk around your home in the “save me some money” frame of mind and you just might be surprised by what you find.