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Spend a Little – Save A Lot

When it comes to saving big on heat expenses, sometimes spending a little money is the key. Here are a few affordable things you can do to help lower your heating bill and increase your home’s efficiency.

How’s Your Ductwork?

You can easily lose upwards of 50% of heated air if your home does not have well-planned ductwork. If you happen to be particularly handy, there are lots of ways you can improve your ductwork system. Be sure to check that all of your ductwork is connected properly and repair any of the places where pipes may be pinched. Always remember to use tape with metal backing in lieu of regular duct tape, as it lasts much longer. If you are inexperienced or uncomfortable with this type of work, hiring a professional may be your best bet. Although it may be more expensive, it can save you a lot in the long run.

Stop Heat from Escaping

Gaps around doors and windows could allow a significant amount of heat to escape your home. Inspect all of your home’s doors and windows for any drafts and open areas. Caulking is an excellent way to seal older windows to help keep the heat in and the cold air out. Also, investing in a few inexpensive door sweeps to block exterior entrances can improve your home’s efficiency as well.

Time to Winterize

Another way to eliminate heat loss is by winterizing older windows. If window replacement isn’t an option, covering your windows with clear plastic can help with insulation. It is also a good idea to review your home to pinpoint any other areas that can be better insulated with traditional methods. Pay particular attention to your attic, which is one of the most common places that allow heat to escape in older homes. Always be sure to look for blackened spots on the edging of the fiberglass … this dust is an indicator of where airflow is escaping. Sealing these areas first can make a tremendous impact.

For more information on how to help save on your heating bill, contact Keystone Propane today.